Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I am first and foremost a wife and mother. Married to the love of my life, and have 3 of the best children anyone could ask for.

I lover of Dark Chocolate and anything sweet, especially things that are baked.  My dentist bill is a testament to that.  Yikes!

I am a facebook and pinterest  junkie!  Yep I am one of those.

I love beauty!  I believe that it is all around us, and in our everyday lives.  And I love to capture it,  for me its a way to make time stand still. My love for photography started when I was little a I would sit for hours at my grandparents house looking at landscape magazines.    Since then, I have had children,  I have focused my love of photography to people and their story.  We all have a story to tell.  I would love to help you tell it.

....capturing you story!

(Picture courtesy of  The Pied Piper)